Plaster moldings are a great choice to make your residence look modern. They are made as a finish with the plaster material between the wall and ceiling and can act in conjunction with the ambient lighting. A project using plaster moldings can be customized according to the space and the desired result. The use of plaster moldings can be done in almost any type of environment. In this post we will see more about it and you will learn how to make a beautiful The Jackfield Tile Square.
It has become popular because it is easy, practical and low in investment, and it helps a lot in decorating. We recommend its use to make a room more sophisticated, detached, with differentiated lighting and attractive. There are currently several types of plaster moldings, each with its own specific application and use characteristics. See the main differences between them:
Open beak
The open molding has a side trim, leaving an open space in the center part. This model allows indirect lighting with the use of recessed luminaires. This model is well used today.
Free Available Pattern: The Jackfield Tile Square
The closed molding does not have an opening type. Therefore, illumination can only be done directly through light spots such as spots. The inverted molding has similar characteristics with the open molding but has only one difference. The opening is reversed and is toward the walls or windows. Recently, this model has become more popular and been used more.
The plaster, besides leaving the environment more beautiful, brings functionality that are sometimes unknown to those who will decorate their first home or apartment, as well as being very practical. Change the look and feel of any environment with an open plaster molding project. This proposal alters the visual points of the dining room, making the table stand out.
The grooves in the molding allow this type of application, with beams of direct illumination in the room environment, without following the pattern of open moldings with lighting in the corners. Applying white plaster to concrete ceilings is an excellent visual combination. They can still have this floating effect, as in the example above. A great example of application for the bedroom is one where the molding can go only one strip of the ceiling, ensuring the installation of spots and the fixation of luminaires.
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