If formerly the quilt that is working with the retail was seen as something very simple and without refinement because it deals with patches.
Nowadays it is valued for being an extremely artisanal product. Whether you want to decorate, give someone a present, or simply give the room a new look, the Java Stars Quilt is the perfect choice.
We can consider that the Java Star Quilt can be made for many purposes and among them can be made for both beds and blankets as well as quilts, but this is not a rule.
Some manufacturers use thicker blankets. They are also used as decoration, but are a bit more serious, without many embellishments (just to not have frills already make them more ‘serious’ than quilts).
Making a quilt will require a lot of patience and a lot of creativity, but that in the end will guarantee an incredible result! And you yourself will be surprised. The result makes us want to do more and more projects like this.
Choose fabrics and wash them. It is important to wash to test the fabric and check that it does not shrink. Also check the quality of the fabric, that is, see if it does not stain or fade in the water. After washing the handkerchiefs, it is time to pass. By passing them, you make sewing work easier.
Before you start doing your quilt, you need to decide on the size of the flap that will be used. Remember that the larger the square, the easier the work will be. The default size is 10 × 10 cm. It is clear that companies have varied greatly, so we find today covers also patterns and embroidery pattern. Unlike bedspread, the copper bed can be used to cover days that are not as cold as the blanket is lower and does not heat as much. Patchwork quilts can be plain or padded. The quilting process gives you a quilt that heats up and is still quite cozy. The public for the quilted quilts is large; then producing and selling this product turns out to be a great way to get extra income.
Take advantage of this pattern that is not complicated to make a patchwork and will be another work for your collection or list of challenges. Be aware that we will always be posting tips and step by step, always sharing for free.
Follow our Facebook page on Ck Crafts, and our Love Quilting group. We give weekly tips with free pattern. I see you there.
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