Glass pieces are perfect for adding value in decorating any space in the home. In addition to being a sustainable decoration, since glass takes more than a million years to decompose, decorated glass jars are also beautiful at parties and are great personalized gift options, not to mention that they can still guarantee that income extra at the end of the month. And the idea goes for all types of glass, in all colors, shapes and sizes, from bottles to olive pots. With a little creativity they can become beautiful decorative objects. Want to learn more about it and still learn how to make an amazing Christmas Tree Granny Square? So keep following the post
Important Tips for Decorating Glass Pots
Before you start sorting out the glass jars to decorate, there are some essential steps to making this kind of craft safely and to make the piece have good durability and quality, so no one gets hurt and you will still have an amazing piece of decoration by long time. If the pot is sticky or has any paper material stuck to it, such as labels, you need to remove and wash it before starting the artwork. You can bring them to a boil, along with the lid if applicable, in a pan of water and mild detergent.
About 20 minutes is enough to remove the stickers or paper items and to make the sanitized glass simple and quick. After this process, put the glasses to dry and then you can choose the type of artistic decoration that will be applied.
Free Pattern Available: Christmas Tree Granny Square
Types of Glass Decorations
There are dozens of ways to decorate glass objects, since you have the freedom to choose colors, materials and shapes, thus to endless possibilities. Check out some options: Decorating glass jars and bottles with fabric is the simplest and most democratic option of all. This is because it is worth buying the fabric in the desired style and even use the ones that are left over in your home. The most chosen prints are floral and polka dots, but they also look beautiful with patchwork details, for example.
Glass decoration with biscuit
Those who love crafts and have been using biscuit for a long time know that it is possible to insert a multitude of shapes in glass jars and bottles. But for those just coming into this universe, working with biscuit can be a big challenge. The biscuit is a type of dough that can be molded freely, is like playing with play dough. Biscuit can be found in many colors and can also be pigmented. With it you can create fun or more classic decoration options for the glass pots.
Glass decoration with EVA
EVA is easy to find and very simple to work with. There are glitter and patterned EVA options that offer a beautiful result when decorating bottles and glass jars. It can be applied to the lid and around the glass and can also be glued to the inside of the pot. EVA-decorated glass jars can be used as a gift, to decorate a children’s party and even as a pencil holder. Ready to use this item in your home?
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