Chalkboard, better known in good Portuguese as blackboard or blackboard, left schools to become a trend of creative, fun and interactive decoration. Whether for the home, commercial spaces or parties, the chalkboard is super hot and is very easy to do. Check out some tips on how to use chalkboard in the decoration of your home, commercial space or how to use chalkboard at the wedding or how to use chalkboard on your birthday.
Ah, also let’s go a step by step on how to make chalkboard, check it out! Chalkboard can be used in many different ways at home, taking an entire wall or even in a chalkboard frame in the middle of other frames and decorative objects. In this post we will see more about it and you will learn how to make an incredible Starry Skies Quilt.
The environments can also be the most varied, such as the kitchen, home office or bathroom. However, if you want to use it to make chalk drawings, which can be easily erased, it may not be a good idea to use the chalkboard in open areas, keep this in mind.
To help you think about how to use the chalkboard in home decor, here are some useful ideas: Chalkboard in the kitchen: whether on the wall or in a detail, you can use the “blackboard” in the kitchen to write down recipes, leave messages and even even to write down the shopping list;
Chalkboard in the room: a great option to change the decoration as often as you want and at a very low cost, you can make a panel with drawings, a welcome message to the house and whatever else you want, the limit is imagination;
Free Pattern Available: Starry Skies Quilt
Chalkboard in the home office: in this environment, the possibility of writing on the walls will certainly be very well used. Replace the post-its and use the chalkboard background to leave reminders, make a calendar, plan your actions and whatever else you need, I’m sure it will be a lot more fun and will help you a lot; Chalkboard in the children’s or toy room: with the chalkboard, the little ones will be able to let their imagination run wild and scribble on the wall without fear of annoying Dad and Mom.
These are just some of the possibilities that chalkboard offers in home decor. Our main tip is: leave your creativity free to imagine how to use it in your home!
To make a very different and creative party decoration, chalkboard can be the answer! And it can be used in any type of celebration, it can be a wedding chalkboard, a birthday chalkboard or whatever else you want to celebrate, let your creativity fly wild.
The wedding chalkboard usually appears at the entrance to the party, with the bride and groom’s name, or as a chalkboard background for taking pictures. However, you can also use a chalkboard with cute messages in the decoration, chalkboard signs with the names of the dishes, among other ways to use the chalkboard at the wedding.
The ways of using the chalkboard on the birthday are very similar to those used at weddings. The most common is the use of a chalkboard with the name of the birthday boy and some extra information.
For parties, there are also chalkboard options or even “false” chalkboard backgrounds. They are images made on the computer or even by hand, but with permanent ink. This alternative can be legal for those who are afraid of the guests hitting the blackboard, which could end up erasing what is written / drawn with chalk, if this is your case, then we recommend that you choose this option.
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