Hello again, bringing a wonderful job to you. It is very important to have a cozy and tastefully decorated bedroom, and this Chevron Shuffle block provides a place of warmth …
Then it is in it that you will have your moment of rest after a tiring day, leaving your bedspread beautiful.Are you new in quilts or curious about this type of craft project?
Quilting is a sewing kit and a way to make beautiful and fluffy bedding. You will especially like quilting if you are good with detail and have a passion for combining patterns and colors together.
One of the best things about quilting is that although there are many “classic” quilting patterns – no quilt is just like any other because of the individual quilter that does it.
You will always make choices of colors and patterns that are unique and different from anyone else, this is just one of the things that make homemade bedspreads so special.
Quilting used to be something every woman did to help keep her family warm in the colder months. Today, with mass-manufactured goods, we do not bother to do everything we need. That’s why when someone you like takes the time to choose a pattern of quilts, fabrics and then sew a quilt just for them, it’s very special. This is a craft that can be done by beginners and you will be happy to know that there are literally dozens of beginner craft projects out there for you to try out.
If making a full size quilt at first seems intimidating – start with a baby quilt or quilt so you’re doing something a little smaller. One of the most talked about sayings about sewing is “one point in time saves nine”. That is quite true. To be a great quilter you need to have a little patience while we find some quilts that can be made on a weekend or an afternoon, more quilting projects take much longer. But we know you’ll be thrilled by the beautiful results!
Bed linen (sheets, bedspreads, bedding kits) are the basic necessities for your comfort but also help a lot to have a good harmony in the decoration of your room. Among the various options that the market offers, we have the classic and the most usual: bedspread and copper bed. What we do not know for sure is the real difference between these two options.
Follow our Facebook page on Ck Crafts, and our Love Quilting group. We give weekly tips with free pattern. I see you there.
I leave you the video and the free standard of this work