The first step before you start is to choose and separate all the fabrics you will use in your work. I left above all the used fabrics, which one of the places. Think about what your job will be like. Wash the fabrics and do not rinse, leaving everything stretched and until the time to sew.
As you already know we are passionate about crafts, as we have already made available on our website numerous patterns and various sewing and step by step tips.
A seam allowance of 0.25 “was used. How we do everything with our hands never exits perfectly all the same seams, only with a machine.
Step by Step Pattern Felice Regina ➩ Solstice Medallion Quilt
Below is the graph and pattern with step by step for all, enjoy and good work. You can find other medallion patterns that I leave as a hint at Amazon.
To always be linked to all patterns, follow our page on facebook CK Crafts and our Love Quilting Group. We give weekly tips with Free Padroes. I see you there.