Railings, walls, walls and hollow elements are not always the best solution for those who need to close a space. When dealing with an external environment, natural air is almost indispensable for the location, and for this reason, the hedge successfully fulfills this proposal. The hedge is beautiful and functional, so the landscaping area helps to better understand which is the most suitable for your type of need. In this post you can see more about it and learn how to make a beautiful Salem Quilt Block. Now see the main advantages of the hedge:
Rapid growth; Simple maintenance; Security and privacy; Variety of options to fit any project. And to make this task simpler, we have put together a complete guide with important information you need to know about hedges: Where to use the hedge? 1. To delimit a certain area. It is the ideal solution to not completely close the view of space.
In this case, look for small or more widely spaced shrubs to create this integration in the right measure! 2. In landscaping.
The hedge is a great resource to create paths, whether in a garden, yard or orchard, letting the landscaping take care of your space.
After all, there is nothing more beautiful than complementing the floor layout with a touch of nature. 3. To hide unnecessary elements.
Artifices like hiding the condenser from the air conditioner or motors from the pool can be a great solution to not ruin the look of your yard, and it will still look better with this hedge. 4. Greener, please! One of the most used resources is to bring privacy to the leisure area, especially for those who have a neighboring construction. The purpose here is to avoid prying eyes, which end up depriving us of our own home!
5. Creatively highlight architecture
The facade is one of the most important points in architecture, and thinking about it, mixing raw elements with the simplicity of nature is a perfect option to balance the look, so the environment is incredibly beautiful without becoming too heavy or visually polluted.
And see that vertical gardens are all about this trend! As it is a specific area in architecture, the ideal is to consult a professional to better guide your choice.
There are species for each type of proposal, some grow faster, others can damage your floor and wall, for example.
If you want to insert this element in any environment, research about each species, taking into account the characteristics, sizes and growth time. You can find inspirations, models, information and more with a simple search. Now that you know that, how about starting to make your own hedge?
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Free Pattern Available: Salem Quilt Block