Welcome to Ck Crafts .. Today we will meet the Dancing Ribbons…. always bringing you free standards to perfect yourself.
You always need a new recipe to update your designs and the fishing ribbons quilt is a beautiful quilt to make of the novelty and here we will give tips on how to improve your designs.
The recent conversation of some of my friends from Round Robins’ online mileage led me to look at many different photos of Round Robin at Pinterest and elsewhere. Which made me think of how delightful this quilting would be a hub in point of a larger quilt.
Intricate marble patterns on an elegant built-in table inspired these ribbons of interwoven colors. Dancing Ribbons, by Cindy Rounds Richards, was originally designed with Thai Shot silk, but you can make your own with colorful batiks or solid cotton on a deep dark background.
Whether it appears alone as a small quilt or as the striking focus of a larger quilt, let the ribbons – and the colors – dance!
I was experimenting with a new technique for grading fabric dyeing. Having some strips completed, I designed this quilt to use them. I had to make several other strips to complete the quilt. This quilt has always been special, but it lacks the “fantastic” I usually love in quilts. This and I love to change things by adding a little more and a little more. There are several recipes in books and magazines in stores, but here I leave you with updated and free standards. If you want to make your own recipe, you just need a pencil, graph paper and lots of creativity.
Cindy Richards’ “Dancing Ribbons” fit the bill and are the perfect starting point. The quilts grew beautifully for the next six months. They were all unique. It surprises everyone that the same set of rules produces such wonderfully different results. We would like to thank you and Cindy Richards for providing inspiration and standards that allow us to create and grow as a guild. “
Either way, it’s always good to take a picture of your project before you begin to decide on the best possibilities of appearance.
The easiest quilt for beginners is a patchwork quilt.
Tip: Larger squares are easier to sew and we can make the desired quilt size by changing just the amount of quilt squares. PROMOTIO AMAZON – Machine Quilting in Sections
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