Crochet Open Work Gown, an incredible gown that can provide you with an incredible look that only crochet has, enabling many productions with elaborate pieces and that arouse the desire of many women, who love this type of piece. This beautiful dress is a delicate and well-crafted piece that will result in a beautiful work. Craftsmanship always ends up filling us with joy when we can produce pieces like this. A perfect piece to boost your sales for beauty and elegance.
Crochet dresses are very versatile and can be used with many types of accessories, for these reasons they are in the focus of fashion and remain a trend among women today. This is a beautiful template that can be used to compose the look for various types of events, which is great and can help you a lot.
A fashion trend, crochet dresses are still very successful and it is worth investing in this incredible model that we brought today and which can be used in events that ask for elegance and delicacy in dressing, which is even better and can help you a lot. Thank you for visiting our website. We always try to bring you the best.
See Also:
➽ Crochet Granny Square Runner Rug
➽ Cute Crochet Blanket
➽ Moss Stitch Triangle Scarf
400g of yarn – average thickness – 550m / 100.
– Sumatra silk 3000 m / 100g in two folds – 150g;
– blended yarn 250g in one addition;
– hooks Clover 2.0-2.25-2.5mm.
It took: 400g of yarn – average thickness – 550m / 100.
– Sumatra silk 3000 m / 100g in two folds – 150g;
– blended yarn 250g in one addition;
– hooks Clover 2.0-2.25-2.5mm
The following abbreviations are used to describe the work:
VP – air loop
SS – connecting column
RLS – single crochet
CCH – double crochet
PRSP – patent column or one and a half column.
CC2H – a column with two crochets
For calculations we knit a sample according to the crochet pattern 2.25mm
Initial row – cells from CC2H and 4VP
One rapport 5 cells wide – 6cm. The typesetting row is marked in red on the diagram.
We start with a skirt. It is knitted from top to bottom in circular rows.
We collect 14 rapports – 70 cells for the installation row. We knit according to the scheme from 5-17 rows, then we repeat 13-17 rows.
Having knitted 15 cm, we carry out a wet-heat treatment and check the correctness of the calculations, since knitting in a circle, and the sample was knitted in reverse rows.
The beginning of the skirt after the WTO
We knit 20 cm, then we change the hook for a larger number – 2.5 and knit the skirt to the desired length.
The drawing on the dress, which creates vertical lines, allows you to visually “stretch” the figure, and therefore add height, create visual harmony.
We finish knitting with openwork flowers. A change has been made to the flower pattern: instead of 9 petals – 7 petals are knitted.
We knit the last 3 rows according to the scheme. The skirt is ready.
Let’s move on to knitting the top of the dress.
Crochet a belt from the waist up 2.0mm as follows:
1 row – 3ССН in each cell
2 row – * СБН, 5ВП * – we knit arches
3 row – 3 CCHs in each arch
4 row – * СБН, 5ВП * – we knit arches
Divide knitting into 4 parts with markers. Each part has 3 rapports.
Crochet 2.25mm. We knit the two middle stripes in front instead of the CCH – patent columns (PPSN). In the photo, this area is between the red markers. Thus, we get a groove for a better fit of the bodice of the dress with a depth of 2.5-3 cm.
After 18 cm, we finish knitting in a circle and knit each of the four parts separately.
To align the shoulder line, the following changes have been made to the scheme:
We knit the second half of the back in the same way.
Initially, a deep V-neck was planned on the back. Optionally, you can leave this option.
Another solution is to knit a twig into the corner of the cutout according to the pattern.
Twig pattern
According to the corrected pattern, the twig can be knitted simultaneously with the entire back fabric.
Adjusted schema
We tie the halves of the front.
Sew shoulder seams with a crochet or needle.
Then we process the armholes of the sleeves with a 2.0mm crochet hook:
1 row – RLS
2 row – * RLS, 5 VP * – the arch overlaps 2 rows along the armhole
3 row – * 5ССН in the arch, 3VP *
4 row – in each arch: * 2СБН, pico from 3 VP, 2СБН *
We tie the neck with a 2.00mm crochet – * 3СБН, pico from 3 VP *.
Crochet Open Work Gown, an amazing and very beautiful dress that will give you different and incredible looks, I’m sure you’ll love the result this dress will have. This beautiful piece will provide you with incredible looks that will amaze everyone and you can be sure that your customers will want one, believe me you will love this piece.
Want to make this wonderful Crochet Open Work Gown? So it’s simple, separate all your material and your tools before starting your piece, this will facilitate the execution of this project we brought, follow the tutorial carefully, make your piece while following the tutorial and I’m sure you’ll be able to make this beautiful project easily .